Two Healthy Homes - Dr. Erica Ellis
About Two Healthy Homes
Our mission is to help parents create a healthy, thriving future for their families. Through our online platform, we support and empower parents with all the tools, knowledge, and skills to avoid unnecessary emotional damage to themselves and their focus. Our vast range of services allows us to tailor solutions that will meet you exactly where you are and help you create an amicable divorce for you and your family.
About Dr. Erica Ellis
Dr. Erica Ellis is a licensed psychologist, best-selling author, and a leading expert on co-parenting and child centered divorce. After working with thousands of divorcing families over the past 30 years, she has discovered the crucial steps that every parent must take to protect their children and create a healthy future for their entire family.
Dr. Ellis is a child of divorce herself and is deeply passionate about helping divorcing parents avoid the mistakes her parents and so many others have made. She created Two Healthy Homes and The Co-Parenting Academy because she was heartbroken by the number of children who walked into her office who were badly damaged by their parents’ divorce and co-parenting mistakes. It is her goal to prevent this damage before it ever happens.
With her unique approach to co-parenting, Dr. Ellis has helped countless families navigate the process in a way that reduces conflict, stress, and uncertainty, and sets the children up for a lifetime of healthy relationships, emotional stability, and personal success.
Contact Dr. Ellis at:
About Two Healthy Homes Parent Education Program
This is our signature co-parenting class. Designed as a three-hour online training, it focuses on three main goals. These are:
- Supporting you in understanding your central role in how your children will cope with the family break-up.
- Providing you with the knowledge necessary to understand your child’s normal coping responses and how to identify when their responses become more problematic and require extra care and professional help.
- Ensuring you have the tools necessary to avoid the most common co-parenting mistakes, which are also the most damaging. This is key, as many parents don’t intentionally make these mistakes and may not even realize they are making them
Dr. Ellis has created all our co-parenting classes based on her unique perspective as an experienced and highly respected child psychologist. She is also a skilled Collaborative Divorce facilitator and has personal experience as a child of divorce herself.
Her combined knowledge and first-hand experience put her in the unique position as the rare co-parenting teacher who is proficient in child development, understands the legal intricacies of the divorce process, and has extensive clinical expertise about the emotional toll that divorce can take on children.
Dr. Ellis fully understands all aspects of the divorce process and can speak not only from her professional knowledge but from the perspective of a child who has lived through her parents’ contentious divorce
Certificates of Completion are available.