Connecting to Clients
How to work with parents on OurFamilyWizard
Create your free practitioner account
One Account, Unlimited Connections
OurFamilyWizard professional accounts simplify client communication for legal and mental health practitioners. With a single account, lawyers, mediators, counselors, and other professionals can connect to as many parents and families as they need.
Professional access on OurFamilyWizard is family-specific. Viewing and editing permissions of a professional account are dependent on whether it is connected to one or both parents in a family.
Single Parent Access
With access to a single parent, professionals and practitioners will be able to:
- Send messages to and receive messages from that parent
- View account activity from the perspective of that parent
- See IP address information associated with the login history of that parent
Dual Parent Access
With access to both parents, professionals and practitioners will be able to:
- Create parenting schedules, expense categories, and more for parents
- Send messages to and receive messages from both parents
- View account activity from the perspective of either parent
- See IP address information associated with both parents' login histories