Roy M. Bowes & Associates
The philosophy of Roy M. Bowes and Associates is to offer people an alternative, when possible, to the traditional litigation model of dispute resolution. The key issue is not who is right or wrong, but how can the issues presented (often caused by an inability to effectively communicate and financial stress) be reconciled by the parties themselves under the guidance of certified professionals through the Collaborative Law process or via Mediation. In our opinion, the obligation of a lawyer is to facilitate the settlement of conflict and to carefully evaluate the responsibility of each party to bring the subject matter to an amicable conclusion and to avoid the necessity of litigation, as permitted, under the circumstances. Roy M. Bowes & Associates are committed to providing the highest quality legal representation possible. Roy M. Bowes has had a private civil trial practice with a concentration in family law for over 37 years. Call us at (504) 368-2700 or email us at to schedule a consultation. Our practice includes the Parishes of Jefferson, Plaquemines, Orleans, St. Tammany, St. Bernard, St. John and St. Charles. Please visit our website at and our Blog which is linked to our website.
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