Pathways to Amicable Divorce: Directions for the Beginning of Separation
Find out how to avoid divorce pitfalls & increase the likelihood of an amicable divorce. Christina Vinters, J.D., Family Law Mediator and retired Divorce Lawyer, has seen firsthand the many mistakes that even well-meaning people tend to make at the beginning of separation out of fear, anger, jealously and/or lack of information. These mistakes often lead to the undesired path of court proceedings, deteriorating relationships, strained parenting abilities, and escalating legal fees. What is "amicable"? Being amicable does not mean that you give up your legal rights in order to avoid disagreement; it means that you resolve disagreements in a respectful and realistic way rather than battling it out in court, so that you can protect your children, your co-parenting relationship, and your net worth from the trauma of extended divorce litigation. Pathways provides: a look at the culture of divorce & its harmful assumptions; the basics of divorce law and separation agreements; descriptions, pros, and cons of 4 pathways/methods for working towards an amicable resolution; practical information and specific tips on what to do and what not to do if you would like a healthy divorce resolution that will let you to move on with your life; dozens of links to free online resources for additional learning, including videos, worksheets, frequently asked questions, and location-specific services organized by State and Province.
"...Start here! ...This book is a master resource for those who want to consider out-of-court options... She has really done her research and the reader will benefit from how well she has organized and simplified tons of information, written in a very accessible way."
-Bill Eddy, family lawyer, mediator, therapist, and international speaker. Author of The Future of Family Court and BIFF: Quick Responses to High-Conflict People. Developer of the New Ways for Families method for separating and divorcing parents:
"Wow. What a succinct, informative book for parents (in particular) facing the fear and uncertainty of completing their intimate partnership. Lots of important thinks to think about and options."
- Karen Bonnell, Co-Parent Coach and Best-Selling Author
"No reasonable person could wish to have the misery of a litigated divorce. This book clearly and succinctly guides readers towards an amicable divorce. It's full of insightful tips to help them start out on the right path."
-J. Mark Weiss, J.D., Attorney, Mediator, & International Academy of Collaborative Professionals Board Member
"Christina Vinters has made a substantial contribution to the health and welfare of the divorcing population, especially the children."
- Dr. Susan Gamache, Ph.D., Registered Psychologist, Marriage & Family Therapist
Get your copy here - Pathways to Amicable Divorce: Directions for the Beginning of Separation