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Family Transitions - Programs That Work, LLC

Creators of the eNew Beginnings Program

The eNew Beginnings Program (eNBP) is designed to protect children from the mental health problems associated with parental divorce or separation. In a thorough evaluation, the eNBP reduced children’s anxiety, depression, and aggression. Also, it improved parent-child relationships and effective discipline and decreased conflict between ex-partners. The eNBP focuses on parents because they are best able to help their children thrive after divorce. The eNBP is the online version of an internationally recognized in-person program that has shown significant benefits to children up to 15 years after participation. These benefits include reducing substance use and depression and increasing the number of years of education. The program teaches parents how to have more fun with children, listening tools to get their children to share more, effective strategies to decrease children's misbehavior, and tools to protect children from interparental conflict. Parents complete one unit per week over 6 or 10 weeks, which allows them to practice the new skills with their children. 

To learn more about the eNBP, visit

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Filed under: Parenting Education