The online divorce video series and support tools for those facing divorce and professionals who work with divorcing individuals.
DivorceToolBox.com is a web-based video series designed to help men and women navigate the emotional, financial and child-related challenges of divorce. By watching the video sessions in the privacy and comfort of your home, you gain practical knowledge about what to expect and how to partner with your legal professional(s) to pursue a settlement agreement that meets your needs.
Most individuals come to the divorce process under significant emotional strain and lacking necessary information about the mental health, custodial, and financial challenges ahead. Divorce Tool Box video series can reduce the negative emotional and financial impact of divorce as individuals enter into the process with more information, better prepared, and with the knowledge to express their personal needs once they have identified them and completed the template provided.
Our founder has degrees in Psychology, Counseling and Divorce and Family Mediation. Divorce Tool Box has been endorsed by professionals from diverse backgrounds. Using Divorce Tool Box allows you to avoid some of the potential pitfalls of negotiating your divorce settlement without thoughtful preparation. It's true what they say: knowledge is power.
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