Child Custody Laws in Georgia

States in the U.S. may sometimes have laws that differentiate from those of other states. When going through a divorce it is very important to familiarize yourself with the laws and practices of the state that you currently reside in. The Georgia child custody laws and courts differ slightly from other states in some aspects, making it important to prepare before court.
What to expect for Georgia child custody laws
Like most other U.S. states, Georgia child custody laws are focused on providing the child with a custody agreement that will most benefit their health and wellbeing. The Georgia family courts typically look at the following factors to help them determine the custody agreement based on the best interests of the child.
- The Georgia family courts will consider the wishes of the child involved if they are of a certain age. This range is typically between 11 and 14 years of age.
- The nature of the relationship that the child has with either co-parent.
- The schedule of each co-parent. A parent may have a busy job schedule or other obligations leaving little flexibility to care for a child.
- The financial situation of each co-parent. If either co-parent is not financially capable of caring for a child during that time it may affect the court’s decisions.
- The current physical and mental health of both of the co-parents.
- The depth of involvement that each co-parent has in their child’s life. This could include involvement in school activities, the child’s sporting events, and other extra-curricular activities.
- Any illegal substance abuse or alcohol abuse of either co-parent.
- The willingness of each co-parent to facilitate and encourage a healthy and lasting relationship between the child and the other co-parent.
Georgia child custody laws and courts consider all of these factors when determining the final outcome of the child custody arrangement. It is important to consider yourself in all of these situations. There may be additional underlying factors, which can influence the court’s decision. Please consult with a family attorney or professional who is familiar with Georgia family laws for further information regarding your own case.
During the initial child custody hearings, Georgia child custody laws and courts require that the co-parents come to an agreement on a parenting plan and submit it to the court. If the co-parents cannot agree on a final parenting plan they must both create a parenting plan based on their own preferences and submit them to the court for review. In this case, if any co-parent fails to provide a parenting plan, the court may choose to use the parenting plan created by the other co-parent if it is appropriate.
Georgia child custody laws and the Our Family Wizard website®
The Our Family Wizard website® recognizes the Georgia child custody laws and the child custody laws for every U.S. state. Georgia child custody laws allow for co-parents to create their own parenting plan in many cases. The Our Family Wizard website® can provide co-parents with the tools to turn this parenting plan into organized and easy tasks through a calendar function, shared expense function, and many other uses. These tools aim to greatly reduce this conflict, providing a safe and healthy environment for your children. After consulting an attorney about Georgia child custody laws, ask about your rights and responsibilities as a co-parent after finalizing your custody agreement.
NOTE: Many state and federal laws use terms like ‘custody’ when referring to arrangements regarding parenting time and decision-making for a child. While this has been the case for many years, these are not the only terms currently used to refer to these topics.
Today, many family law practitioners and even laws within certain states use terms such as ‘parenting arrangements’ or ‘parenting responsibility,’ among others, when referring to matters surrounding legal and physical child custody. You will find these terms as well as custody used on the OurFamilyWizard website.