Powerful Non-Defensive Communication
We are using non-defensive communication when we ask questions, make statements and predict consequences in an open, sincere way without trying to control how other people respond. We can gather accurate information, speak with clarity, protect ourselves, and hold others more accountable. People are more likely to respect us and we can strengthen personal and professional relationships.
1. Ask Questions: Nature: curious, open, innocent. neutral, inviting
Purpose: To gather thorough information to understand accurately what the person means, believes, or feels.
Example: If someone acts upset, the first step is to simply ask the person directly about your own assumption so he can confirm, deny, or qualify, for example, "Are you irritated (frustrated, angry, upset) about something?"
Avoid: Using a question to express your own opinion or to entrap others.
2. Make Statements: Nature: open, direct, vulnerable, subjective, descriptive
Purpose: The first three steps are to state neutrally our subjective interpretation of 1) what we hear the other person saying, 2) any contradictions we see (perceive) in the person's tone, body language, and words, and 3) our conclusions regarding the person's overt and covert messages. The fourth step is not neutral and is to 4) fully express our own reactions, our feelings, beliefs, and reasoning.
Example: If the person continues to act irritable and yet denies it when asked, saying harshly, ''I'm fine!,'' we might respond with this four part statement:
• Hear: "When I hear you saying that you are in a good mood
• See: and (at the same time) I see that you are rolling your eyes and shrugging
• Conclude: then I believe that something is wrong but you don't want to tell me
• Reaction: and so I feel frustrated and am not sure if I should ask you more questions or leave you alone."
Avoid: Stating opinion as fact or trying to convince others to agree.
3. Predict Consequences: Nature: protective, foretelling, neutral, definitive, firm
Purpose: To create boundaries and security by telling another person ahead of time how we will react if s/he does make a certain choice, and how we will react if s/he does not make that choice.
Example: If the person still acts upset and continues to deny it, after hearing our statement, saying "I said I'm fine, there's no problem!," we can set a limit using an "If......then" sentence:
• "If you would like to tell me what's going on", then I would like to hear it,"
• "If you don't want to tell me, then I don't want to try to make you."
Avoid: Using a consequence prediction to coax, punish, or falsely threaten others.