2011-06-21T14:10:51-0500 2018-06-26T22:08:46-0500 True Divorce and summer break always seem to pose a challenge to co-parenting families. Divorce and summer break may be more difficult for those who are recently divorced and not yet used to co-parenting. Divorce and summer break always seem to pose a challenge to co-parenting families. Divorce and summer break may be more difficult for those who are recently divorced and not yet used to co-parenting.
Published: Jun 21, 2011
Updated: Jun 26, 2018

Divorce and Summer Break

Divorce and Summer BreakWhether you have just recently divorced or separated from your spouse or you have done so a few years ago, one thing that you can count on is that it will continue to impact your life for years to come. One thing that always seems to pose a challenge co-parenting families is divorce and summer break. Families who have just recently gone through a divorce may not be used to the idea of visitation schedules, which can make divorce and summer break even more difficult. Even co-parenting families who are more comfortable with raising a child as divorced parents because when the summer months come; their whole parenting and visitation plan may change.

The most difficult part of divorce and summer break

Keeping your children occupied is arguably the most difficult part of divorce and summer break. It may even be the most difficult part of summer break for families whose parents are still together. It is important for parents to spend quality time with their children as they can, especially when growing up, though everyone knows that this may not always be possible.

If you are in a high conflict situation with your co-parent it may not be the best idea for the kids to be switching back and forth between co-parents very often during the summer months. When dealing with divorce and summer break you must always have the benefit and welfare of your children as your number one priority. If your current situation with the co-parent is unsuitable for your children to be around consider having them spend the summer with relatives or at a summer camp. It is also always a good idea to discuss with your kids about summer plans prior to their summer break and to come up with options and hear their opinions.

Divorce and summer break for younger children

Younger children are often more impressionable and vulnerable at this time in their lives. Parenting is especially important to children when they are younger and in divorced families this means that the children spend relatively equal amounts of time with each of their co-parents. When dealing with divorce and summer break this can sometimes pose a problem as most co-parents have regular jobs. This makes it very important to plan ahead and request vacation time from your employer in advance. Leaving the children with a sitter during the day may be your only option, but you must take every opportunity that you can to spend time with them.

Divorce and summer break for older children

Older children often times like to make plans with their friends during the summer. This does provide some relief but it does not mean that you have the luxury of slacking off as a co-parent. Instead, it requires you to do even more thorough planning for the summer months. You must sit down with your children and discuss what plans they already have for the summer and also what activities or trips they would like to do with you during this time.

Here at OurFamilyWizard we have some excellent recommendations as far as guides to help you along with your journey as a co-parent. The first that we would like to recommend is a book titled Parents Are Forever: A Step-By-Step Guide to Becoming Successful Coparents After Divorce.  This book acts as a complete guide to becoming a successful co-parent after divorce, based on the grief recovery model. The author tells co-parents exactly what they need to do to help the children they love cope with changes in their lives. This book will greatly benefit you as a co-parent when dealing with divorce and summer break and will also help you to create the best environment for you children year round.