I am the Psychological and Parenting Consultant at the largest Family Law Firm in Montana. It is my job to help children and families navigate the treacherous waters of divorce and separation with minimal conflict and maximum cooperation and communication. I use OurFamilyWizard.com with our clients every day. This service represents a quantum leap forward in the technology available to help co-parents interact with minimal conflict.

At our firm it is not our goal to be in Court. We want our clients to stay in control of their lives and work toward agreed upon resolutions to their problems that are good for their whole family, but if we do end up in Court, we want to have the most credible argument. OurFamilyWizard.com helps us toward both of those ends. Imagine if every allegation that the other parent said something inappropriate or inflammatory was documented in writing and notarized. Imagine if there was clear evidence to support every claim that one parent contacted the other parent appropriately and the other parent failed to respond. The way OurFamilyWizard.com is set up, it effectively addresses the hearsay issues related to text messages, e-mail, facebook postings and other social networking media.

Written by:

Simon T. Fickinger IV M.S.

Psychological and Parenting Consultant
Mediation and Settlement Conferencing
Member: Montana Mediation Association (with Family designation)
Member: National Association of Legal Assistants

P. Mars Scott Law Offices

MT blank@Blank.com