Shared or Joint Custody Calendars are Easy with the Right Software.

Setting up shared parenting schedules can be a tedious and often confusing task.  But, using a shared parenting website like the OurFamilyWizard website can make things much more clear and help avoid potential misunderstandings.

The right parenting tool will give you multiple views of your calendar.  The yearly view available on the OurFamilyWizard website provides parents with an easy way to see what the future holds in terms of parenting time.  

Here is a sample screenshot of the yearly calendar view:

screenshot of yearly view of shared parenting schedule

With the yearly view, you can clearly map out when the kids will be with you and when they will be with the other parent.  This can make planning for holidays and special occasions much easier.

By having both parents collaborating from a shared repository of information you can avoid issues that can arise from erroneous records.  "I wrote down the wrong date" will become less of an issue because both parents will be seeing the same calendar.