Co-parenting Educator

Co-parenting educators help parents navigate issues with scheduling, expenses, and communication. OurFamilyWizard can also help co-parents to coordinate easily and reduce conflict while raising children from separate households.

For parents going through a separation or divorce, co-parenting education is an excellent tool. It helps parents to better understand how their new relationship will work and how their relationship will affect the life of their child. 

One matter that is often touched on by co-parenting educators in these classes is the notion of co-parents establishing a business-like relationship. Having a co-parenting relationship based on the mutual responsibility of raising children together can make co-parenting much easier. If co-parents don't have such a relationship, emotional baggage can quickly get in the way of your shared responsibilities.

OurFamilyWizard® offer co-parents simple templates and tools to help them develop a business-like relationship. OurFamilyWizard® provides your family with the ability to share calendars, messages, journals, medical records, school information, photos, expenses and much more.