Foster care

managing foster care placements can be easier with OFW.There are several challenges that must be overcome to create a safe and healthy environment for a child placed in foster care.  One of the most difficult challenges is the lack of information that travels with the child.  Often times, it requires the coordination and sharing of information between foster parents, social workers, social agencies, birth parents, schools and more. This lack of information can cause any number of problems, depending on what is missing, from medical complications to education issues and even things further along in life.

Foster families have to take on a team approach to raising the child and providing for the child’s needs. A tool like the OurFamilyWizard website can make this coordination easier and more transparent.  The website provides the ability to coordinate the child’s schedules, medical, school and other vital information as well as traceable correspondence and shared journals. If you are a foster parent and you want to offer your foster child an excellent tool for tracking his or her information, setting up schedules, and much more, the OurFamilyWizard website can provide you with the means to do so. Foster care is not an easy thing for any child to go through, but good tools help.

This shared information can travel with the child if they are reunified with their birth parents.  This continuity of the child’s records can help to ensure a smoother transition for the child and all other parties involved. Practicing good habits with the child's information as well as staying organized is a crucial aspect of raising a foster child, and the OurFamilyWizard website is the perfect place to start. The various tools for information and organization offer an easy solution when it comes to everything from medical records to education. Foster care is easier when parents choose OurFamilyWizard.